Thursday, December 22, 2016


There are times when some people would look at my life and think it is pure madness... ok everyone who knows how many kids live in one house think I am crazy! It is, and honestly I do not know how I get through some days. Keeping track of kids, all of them where they are, how are they getting there, did I drop the baby off at the sitters?... Yes activities, schedules, friends houses, and the sort can become very confusing. If you ask me right now, what I have planned for next week I would have no clue! I do not schedule that far ahead, and I try not to over schedule. I have... let me see a yahoo calendar, and outlook calendar at work and my calendar on my phone. Do they all have the same thing on them... um no. I am not that organized. So when I think about planning things out I have to check all three! Yes I know I could and should be better organized right? Well as we say in our family "Ain't nobody got time for that!" I honestly am always thinking where are my kids at... yes really. I go through each kid starting with the little's, than the middles, and the olders. So the question is when do I take time? Yes that vital time for mom alone time, not having a toddler go to the bathroom with me kind of time. I mean that time where I can soak and relax in a bath, or go get a pedi and mani with a girlfriend. Sit and not do anything, or just sleep in once! It is very hard to get that time in. I have realized it is also as important to get that time in with my husband. We need the one on one quality time, laughing, talking and just being a couple. Time is so important! Because we also need to have time one on one time with each kid. Well how in the world can we do that? I have realized that I can steal every moment of time and make it important. When I am one on one with a kid using that time wisely! It does not have to be going out to a special place, it can be in the car going to an activity, going to the grocery store... my husband and I use that one a lot! Getting planned time in may seem difficult but when you take each moment and opportunity that there is time, you will see you have more than you thought. It has been hard to get much me time in, but I usually just let my hubby know and he watches the kids so I can get my alone time, my recoup and pull it all together before I break time... and it is wonderful! So spend time and utilize all the time you do get. Enjoy your family and take the time!

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