Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Being in a blended family is no small task! This holiday season can cause turmoil, fighting and hurt feelings. The holidays are a time to really spread the love of Christ and show compassion to all. This includes your entire family! My husband and I will be having our 4th Christmas together. This year is special though... it is our first Christmas with all the kids! We are so excited. :) With this new journey if you want to call it that, we are going to be creating new traditions. Our oldest asked if we can still do a few things that her mom used to do. Without hesitation it was a yes. You see we have to come together as parents of blended families and realize that its not about us, but about our kids! If they have a tradition that has been carried on over the many years of their growing up to tell them you won't can be more than hurtful. So this Christmas I challenge each parent of a blended family to accept traditions that may not be your own, and participate in them and share in the honoring and respecting of the children's parent. When you are not fighting and able to get along it not is easier on you, but will make a huge impact on your children! Spread the love and enjoy each other!!

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