Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Never again!

Do you have a thing you know you would never do again and you end up doing it anyway? Yes I do too! My biggest thing that I do, that I do not want to do, but end up doing it once in a while is going to the grocery store with the littles, middles and a few olders. It is pure madness!The littles are it seems screaming, the middles and olders are asking for everything in the store! I really cannot take any of them to the store ever again!! But yet it seems that there are times that I must (rolls eyes) and get the things we need. Yes it is more ideal to have a sitter and go with the Hubby ;) Get some extra time and have a "date night" so to say. Why can I not take them to the store? The older kids are just as annoying as the younger! I had to really think about this. In a previous post I talked about taking moments when you get them. I was losing moments, and not realizing it. So even though it seems difficult I plan on trying to be more positive! I am really not in that much of a hurry and I do not need to be rushed. I hate being rushed, but when I am at the store I feel like rushing because everyone around me is! So yes I will go slower and enjoy my time with all my kids, yes all of them! ;) Enjoy the time you have with the people you love, each moment is precious even when at the grocery store. Use every moment as opportunities to grow and bond with the people you love. Stay positive and look at the bigger picture.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


As the New Year is now upon us I have heard many say they are starting a new year resolution, or have seen many advertisements that you need to start one. I am not against them by any means. And if you take part I will do nothing but encourage you! For me I do not make a resolution. I don't see why waiting till the new year to make a change makes sense. Usually people want to change something, like lose weigh, save money, go back to school, change jobs, get out of a bad relationship... this list can go on and on!! I say why wait?! Why not make the change you want now, why does bringing in the New Year make is so special? Do not wait to make changes in your life until next year... It is interesting I was cleaning out my email and for the last few years I was signed up to receive 3 different daily devotionals. It is funny I never unsubscribed to them because I knew it was something I wanted to do so I set my email up that once I get these daily emails they would go straight to a folder, I was still holding on to the idea that I would go back and read them! Well I cleaned out those three folders with over 400 new emails... I just signed up for 4 new devotional studies that I want to do, and I had totally forgot about the three that I had already been signed up to do. Having good intentions, but not getting it done! Is that the story of your life? It seems to be mine. And it is more frequent than I would like! This is something that I am always working on to change. Intentions tho they may be good and in the right direction when you don't complete them you feel bad. We have intentions on starting a New Years resolution, to make a change to be better or do better. And it may start out great, but what seems to happen is as time goes on you get pulled back into old patterns, being over scheduled and under many time restraints. I want to try a simple approach to this thing called life. Mine is crazy, and having 7 kids live in one house would drive most of us mad! A few things I do to survive the chaos that may help you. I take each day at a time, period. I do not schedule to far in advance, the few things that are scheduled are doctor appointments and meetings with teachers. The kids only have ONE activity that they can choose to be apart of. So for us its football, orchestra, and drama club, girl scouts. I do not over book our schedule. Most of the time we plan a day a head or the day of. So we have friends stop over and will throw a meal together, we are a fly by the seat of your pants family! Enjoy each moment and each other!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Clean Crazy

With the Holidays I feel like I have been going clean crazy. I am always cleaning and wanting to make sure that the house looks nice as we planned on having company over. I am a huge HGTV fan and when I have time I like to binge watch the shows, I especially like Fixer Upper, Property Brothers and Love it or List it. I watch these shows always thinking how in the world are these houses maculate? It looks like either no one lives in them or that they have a maid! Our house is not a horrible mess, its the laundry and dishes that do pile up, but for the most part it is neat, defiantly not maculate as the houses I see on HGTV. It is so easy to get caught up in the need to have my house look that way and feel upset when it doesn't. I than have reality hit me, I have 7 kids living in the same house! I usually like to have things in order and be organized, but some times I pause and make a decision to relax, or just spend time with my kids. It is not easy when I want to go through each room and clean, but it has been worth it. Taking time to prioritize and knowing what is more important is key. My friends and family know that my house is not going to be perfect, and that really does not matter. They are coming over to visit me, not my house. So when you feel like you can not do it all, just remember its a house, a room and it will be okay. Enjoy your time with your family!